Sunday 15 February 2015

Launceston needs a new general history

Tom Dunning, Barbara Valentine and Paul Richards Eds
Launceston needs a new general history.  John Reynolds wrote the last one in 1969.  Much has happened in Launceston since then and the way community and local history is written has changed.  There is a large and vibrant community of historians who have written dozens of books and articles.  We propose to call on the talents of this group to write a collaborative community history.

The book will not be a comprehensive, narrative history, but rather a thematic one.  The theme is a metaphorical one, which will allow each author creative freedom but at the same time provide a focus for the book.  We see the book weaving together thematic threads to create the historical fabric of Launceston.  The major threads will be the diversity, difference and enterprise of the individuals, groups and institutions that have comprised the Launceston community.  Each individual contribution will be a small thread in the fabric.  We want this history to be written and owned by as many different individuals as possible.

We envision two types of contributions.  Firstly there will be 3,000 word essays on larger topics.  Some of these essays will be commissioned; individual historians will suggest others.  The second variety will be 500 to 750 word entries, all of which will be suggested by contributors.

We will issue a style manual for all contributors to ensure a uniform format for the book.

We sincerely invite expressions of interest, questions and contributions

The first points of contact are by email, or by phone 6334 0169.

Warm Regards from the editors

Tom Dunning
Barbara Valentine
Paul Richards

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