Sunday, 11 January 2015

Tamar Lake: A Heroic Proposal

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If one were to be looking for an exemplar of 'audacious placescaping' the Tamar Lake 'proposal' would without doubt amply fit the bill. All kind of assertions are being made for the 'benefits' for the proposal. Those with an interest in the "economic advantages" the creation of a Tamar Lake will deliver are the most audible. 

Likewise, the 'proposal' has its detractors who are quietly forming a coalition of the unwilling.

All in all, this proposal to convert a tidal estuary into a freshwater lake is nothing less than heroic. The proposal has all the makings of an ongoing critical discourse with a very local focus. Already critics are being threatened with the consequences of their speaking out albeit that it seems the proposal is yet to establish its own feasibility – economically and environmentally.

Clearly, there is an intent to draw a line in the sand and bring on the debate. There are bound to be controversial commentaries yet to emerge as this placescaping proposition tries to win the attention of anyone with the wherewithal carry the 'idea' forward. Watch this space!

CLICK HERE to go to the proposal's website
CLICK HERE to go to the proposal's FACEbook page

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